In the summer of 1982, thirty-one kids attempted a remarkable feat, a daunting coast-to-coast, 3,600 mile bicycle journey across the United States and accomplished it! Called “Spokesmen of America”, they set out to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis and spread awareness about the disease.
This 4 episode film, and a stand alone 90 minute feature film celebrate the unstoppable optimism of youth, and reflects on how the hopes and adventures of adolescence resonate through the inevitable challenges of life. It dives deep into the experience and many of the riders, including the charismatic and complex leader.
Forty years after that life-altering summer, the film blends the iconic music and imagery of the period to deeply personal interviews that bend the prism of time to access the ‘kids’ who embarked on a journey filled with intense challenges, humor, mishaps, personal discovery and tragedy.